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Wisdom Business Manifesto!
Work 1-on-1 with our Experts to create your

with a clear Strategy.

Your Vision Thrives . . .

What’s Your Plan?

Do you have a clear plan for creating your ideal Wisdom Business? One that combines the best business acumen and technology with the innate, intuitive wisdom of You, the Wisdompreneur?

Do you know what it takes to build your Wiz Biz from the ground up? Do you wish there was a secret formula for success?

Well, there is! We call it The 7 Steps to Your Successful Wisdom Business.

And we use it as our framework to help you write your plan, your Wisdom Business Manifesto.

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action. ~ Napoleon Hill

The 7 Steps to Your Successful Wisdom Business

the 7 steps to your successful wisdom business

Manifest Your Manifesto

The Secret to Success is not really a secret at all. Simply create a smart plan and follow through. What to put on your plan and how deep to dig is where the magic lies. We’ll walk you through the entire process of The 7 Steps to Your Successful Wisdom Business as you write your very own Wisdom Business Manifesto. This is where you become the Master Architect of your Wisdom Business.


Formulate Your Wisdom System™

Amplify the impact of your message by creating your unique Wisdom System™. By synthesizing your core message/process/teachings into an organized learning methodology, with masterful training resources, you will inform, engage & challenge your audience. Just follow the formula and the exercises for turning your expertise into a valuable learning curriculum.


Deliver Your Message

Your Message can be shared in so many ways: Keynote speaking, live seminars, Mastermind groups, books and more. Here is our favorite: Leverage your impact and widen your reach by offering your Wisdom System™ via an online course. We will show you the options for types of courses and the best practices for creating learner success. You’ll map out the best plan to deliver your unique message that aligns with your business goals.


Wow ‘Em with Your Website

Your website is your window to the world. Does your website “WOW!”? Does it express your mission and clearly offer your products/services? Does it easily and automatically convert your visitors into your clients? Be guided through a process of creating or optimizing the design, messaging and functions to achieve the 3 C’s:  Communicate. Capture. Convert.


Organize & Automate

End the “admin abyss”. You deserve the power of an all-in-one Wisdom Business solution for creating a scalable business that runs smoothly. Identify all the moving parts of your enterprise so that they can be intelligently connected and seamlessly managed. Redesign your business to leverage fully integrated CRM, automated email marketing & eCommerce. Chaos minimized. Productivity maximized.


Mobilize Your Movement

Don’t be the sales person of your digital product. Be the leader of a movement. There is a lot of “noise” out there. Make a clear plan on how and where to capture the valuable attention of your ideal audience and become their trusted expert. Use social media and email marketing to teach rather then sell. By offering valuable free content – in the form of info gifts, webinars and video email campaigns – your ideal clients will happily say “Yes!” when you make an offer.


Magnetize Your Money Mojo

Money is an important metric for how effectively your Wisdom Business serves your tribe. How you package and price your offers has a direct impact on the perceived value of your services and your prosperity. Learn how to price products, offer discounts, make sales, collect money, deliver info products/services, and digest your sales reports so that money is an abundant metric, but your bottom line always remains the value of your message.

“Ivri Turner, Founder of Wisdom Business Academy, is a masterful orchestrator of success. Her passion and drive, paired with keen vision and technical savvy, creates a perfect storm as a business advisor. Ivri has not only challenged me to new heights of where my business could go, but has put together the strategic framework and walked with me as those goals became reality. She is a rare blend of heart and know-how who delivers awe-inspiring work, rich with depth and character.”

Your Wisdom Business Manifesto™

Following The 7 Steps to Your Successful Wisdom Business, together we create a customized plan completely unique to you, your business and your audience. We call this vital treatise your Wisdom Business Manifesto™.  It serves as your customized step-by-step strategic plan to create success with clarity and prosperity.

Would your business benefit from having a clear plan? One that can be updated as you evolve? One that inspires your heart and keeps your brain on track? {The answer is, of course, Yes!} You are ready to write your Wisdom Business Manifesto.

Take advantage of this 1-of-a-kind process for aligning your creative inner vision with tried and true business strategies and systems. It will get you focused, organized, and tapped into your truth.

Your Wisdom Business Manifesto is a powerful tool for helping you become the Master Architect of your Wisdom Business. The power is in your plan!


A Powerful 2 Part Process

Part 1

Get started via an expertly structured online process to get your business mapped out with all the moving parts moving together.

Part 2

Work 1-on-1 with a Wisdom Business Expert to get tactical advise on how to up-level your game, your plan and your execution.

Progress is inevitable.


The Outcome

When you follow The 7 Steps to manifest your Wisdom Business Manifesto and then execute it faithfully yet flexibly, you create an abundant business that authentically serves your ideal clients, inspires you at a soul level, and expresses your unique brilliance.

In order to achieve this outcome we will:

  • Create a clear mission, vision, and purpose
  • Build & implement a holistic step-by-step strategic plan
  • Develop framework for marketable content/products/services
  • Design integrated technology and systems that work for you
  • Create the balance between be-ing and do-ing, welcoming synchronicity and ease into your business
  • Diagnose imbalances and easily perform inevitable “course corrections”
  • Generate your abundant livelihood in alignment with your purpose and true freedom

In limits, there is freedom. Creativity thrives within structure.

~ Julia Cameron, Author, The Artist’s Way

How It Works

Say “yes” to writing your Wisdom Business Manifesto now. This is what you will dive into:

  • Instant Access to our online Wisdom Business Manifesto online platfrom
  • Easy-to-use tool designed to get clear and specific about every aspect of your business
  • Identify what you are doing, how you are doing it and who you are doing it for
  • Follow the progression of The 7 Steps to Your Successful Wisdom Business
  • Answer the detailed Questionnaires which cover the gamete of your business
  • As you complete each Step, receive massive insight during a 1-on-1 coaching with Ivri, your Wisdom Business Expert (7 one-hour sessions in total)
  • Based on coaching, up-level your Questionnaire answers in the online platform
  • For the grand finale, with the push of a button, voila, download your easy-to-follow Wisdom Business Manifesto!

Register for the
“Wisdom Business Manifesto”

VIP Service Package!

Marc Luellmann
Vastu Architecture

“Where others stop, or at most give standard advice of tools already known to them, Ivri goes far beyond. She researches and strives towards the best solution that will meet the unique needs of my business. And most important, she always consults from the perspective of the needs and requirements of my potential clients. She works with vigor, a strong sense for structure, and a strong sense for design and perfection. All of my plans for growth and scalability include Ivri as part of my team!”

“It is an incredible honor and a great privilege to work with Ivri Turner. She is a gifted entrepreneur, with a keen business perception and tremendous insight, intuition and heart. An hour with Ivri is more valuable than hours with other consultants because she is so resourceful, with powerful ideas, always brings a fresh focus, and I will add, is a lot of fun to work with too!”

Rachel Hamilton
R.H. Improv

“Ivri is a transmitter of higher frequencies, she takes what would otherwise be disorganized, and like a shaman, she works through the chaos, bringing a new harmonic level to the mission of organization, technology and connectivity, giving new power to really great work. She addresses the core foundational level – what is the DNA of the business, and how do we grow it from there? She then creates a scalable platform, bringing my mission to the world with bigger reach.”

Paul Crawley
The Net Return

“As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I often find my time, energy and focus scattered. It has been one of my greatest daily challenges, not only in business but in life. Working with Ivri has changed all of this. It takes a very special person to ascertain an individuals Why? Ivri has provided clarity, focus and a much deeper understanding of the role I play not only as a business owner but more importantly – as a person. Simply put, the effect has been profound!”