
Learner Generated Manifesto

What Is a Learner Generated Manifesto?

This is a very unique online course feature exclusive to the intelligent.coach wisdom-sharing platform. What we call a Learner Generated Manifesto (LGM) is a PDF document that the Learner downloads at the end of the online course. Essentially the LGM is a summary document of their learning experience written in their own words. Pretty cool, right?

Here’s How It Works:

At the end of each learning Module on the online course the Learner is asked to complete an “Exercise” in the online classroom. The Learner’s written content (data) auto-magically populates into a LGM template that you, the Coach, creates – complete with supportive copy, graphics, tables, etc. The LGM is part template created by you and part content contributed by the Learner.

What Type of LGM Will You Create?

If you are a business coach, the LGM might take the shape of the Learner’s Annual Strategic Plan. If you are a relationship coach it might be a Personal Decree for Ecstatic Loving. If you are a Personal Development Author, it may take the form of a My Best Life Manifestation Blueprint.

Evolutionize Your Unique Selling Proposition!

Now you are not just selling an online course. You are offering your Learner the opportunity to create their own LGM which is a tangible self-created manual that will guide them in living the amazing results that you promise in your course. Now that’s impressive!